
Signing up in the OgoulTutor is a simple. Follow the following steps to sign in.

1.Visit ogoultutor.com/ and click on the blue-coloured Register as Tutor button on the top-right

2. Fill the required information, upload your CV/Resume, and tap on ‘next’.

3.Choose the subjects and grades you can teach, and your academic certificates, and tap on ‘submit’.

4.After your account has been created successfully, OgoulTutor’s team will contact you within 24 hours.

Signing in the OgoulTutor is a simple. Follow the following steps to sign in.

1. Click on the link https://ogoultutor.com/

2. Click on the yellow coloured 'Sign in' button on top-right.

3. Fill in your sign in credentials, that is your email, and password you used to register.

4. Then click on the yellow colored 'Sign in' button. .

OgoulTutor enables its users to change their information at any time. Users can also mention the subject areas they can teach along with the level or grade they can teach. Follow the following steps to edit your profile:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. A dropdown will show a few options.

3. Click on the 'My Profile' option from the list.

4. Tap on the ‘Edit Profile’ option beside .

5. Edit the information from the given options.

6. Scroll down, and click on the yellow coloured 'Save' button to save your editing.

1. Sign in to the OgoulTutor.

2. Click on the circular image of the user with name from the top right of the screen.

3. A dropdown will show few options.

4. Click on the 'My Profile' option from the list.

5. Profile will start to open in front of the user.

It is important to view notifications to keep a check on the activities. Follow the following steps to view notifications:

1.Click on the bell icon AT the top right of the screen to check your notifications.

To check your upcoming bookings for tutorial sessions, follow the following steps:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. Select 'My classes' from the dropdown list of options to view your lectures’ history.

To view the record of your past lectures, follow these steps:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. Select ‘Tutor History’ from the dropdown list of options to view your lectures’ history.

OgoulTutor users can easily recover your password, through the following steps:

1. Click on the link https://ogoultutor.com/

2. Click on the yellow-coloured 'Sign in' button.

3. Tap on 'Forgot Password?'

4. Enter your email address in the given space

5. Then tap on ‘Email me instructions' to receive further directions for resetting your password.

6. Click on the link and complete the process.

To view your earnings from your tutorial sessions, follow these steps:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. Select ‘My Earnings’ from the dropdown list of options to view your earnings.

OgoulTutor allows its users to download and view their past tutorial sessions through the following steps:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. Select ‘tutor history’ from the dropdown list of options to view the details and chat and video records from your past tutorial sessions .

3. In the last column, tap on ‘Download’ for the respective session(s).

4. On the left hand side you could view the chat history, and on the right you could view and download the shared files (if any).

OgoulTutor is user-friendly and asks for the tutor's choice to accept or reject the tutorial session booking as per their convenience. To accept or reject the tutorial session booking, follow the following steps:

1. Go to the homepage of OgoulTutor and tap on the bell icon from the top right of the screen.

2. Screen will start showing new notifications for the upcoming tutorial session(s).

3. Click on the green-coloured tick button to accept the booking.

4. Click on the blue-coloured 'OK' button.

(You will be booked for that time slot to teach the student and your status will start showing 'Unavailable' to others for that period.)

Follow these steps to start a tutorial session:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. Select ‘My Classes’ from the dropdown list of options.

3. Click on the blue-coloured 'Start Class' button from the visible window.

4. Class will start with the student as they accept your call.


Signing up in the OgoulTutor is a simple. Follow the following steps to sign in.

1. Visit ogoultutor.com/ and click blue-coloured 'Register as Student' button on the top-right.

2. Fill the required information, and tap on ‘Sign up’.

3. You’ll get the screen on which you could further edit your profile by adding more details like your current education level, certificates (if any)

Signing in to OgoulTutor is simple. Follow the following steps to sign in.

1. Visit ogoultutor.com/

2. Click on the yellow coloured 'Sign in' button on top-right.

3. Fill in your sign in credentials, that is your email, and password you used to register.

4. Then click on the yellow colored 'Sign in' button. .

To choose a subject, follow the following steps:

1. Go to the main page of OgoulTutor.

2. Click on the 'Choose a subject' option from the mid-view options of the screen.

3. A drop down menu will start showing the list of subjects and a search bar.

4. Select a subject by clicking on it, or type in the search bar.

Users can choose the course for the subject very conveniently. These courses are further subfields of the selected subject.

Follow the following steps to choose a topic:

1. After selecting the subject, click on the 'Choose a course' option.

2. A drop down menu will start showing a list of courses and a search bar

3. Select a course by clicking on it, or type in the search bar.

OgoulTutor enables its users to change their information at any time. Users can also mention the other subject areas they can teach along with the level or grade they can teach. Follow the following steps to edit your profile:

1. Click on the circular image of the user with their name from the top right of the homepage.

2. A dropdown will show a few options.

3. Click on the 'My Profile' option from the list.

4. Tap on the ‘Edit Profile’ option beside .

5. Edit the information from the given options.

6. Scroll down, and click on the yellow coloured 'Save' button to save your editing.

1. On the homepage, select the ‘Tutors’ option from the top.

2. Select the respective subject, course and grade based on your requirement, and tap on the blue-coloured ‘Search’ button.

3. Available Tutors based on your criteria will appear on your screen.
You can also search for specific Tutors by typing their names in the search bar at the mid-left view of your screen

4. Tap on the available Tutor’s profile to check their details such as their fees per hour, their email id, reviews from other students, other courses they teach, and more.

5. From the given list of subjects in the Tutor’s profile, tap on ‘Schedule’ to request a class for the course of your choice.

6. Set the date, time and duration for the requested class and click on ‘Proceed’ to send the request to the Tutor

7. You’ll get notified when the Tutor accepts or rejects your request, so you could proceed with the payment accordingly.

Depicted in the below image for accepted and rejected request respectively:


1. On the homepage, select the respective subject, course and grade based on your requirement, and tap on the blue-coloured ‘Search’ button.

2. Available Tutors based on your criteria will appear on your screen.
You can also search for specific Tutors by typing their names in the search bar at the mid-left view of your screen.

3. Tap on the available Tutor’s profile to check their details such as their fees per hour, their email id, reviews from other students, other courses they teach, and more.

4. From the given list of courses in the Tutor’s profile, tap on ‘Schedule’ to request a class for the course of your choice

5. Set the date, time and duration for the requested class and click on ‘Proceed’ to send the request to the Tutor.

6. You’ll get notified when the Tutor accepts or rejects your request, so you could proceed with the payment accordingly.

Follow the following steps to accept a lecture call from the tutor:

1. Lecture calls will automatically come up on your screen at the time of lecture

2. Click on ‘Accept’ to accept the lecture call, and the lecture will start automatically thereafter.

OgoulTutor allows its users to pay charges for the booked lectures either through PayPal or their wallet. Follow the following steps to pay the lecture charges to the Tutor:

1. Go to the notification panel to check whether the tutor has approved the request or not.

2. Open the notification in which the tutor has accepted the lecture booking request.

3. Click on the blue-coloured 'Pay Now' button.

4. Select the method of payments (PayPal or Wallet) from the given options.

5. Click on the blue-coloured 'Proceed' button.

The student can pay charges through Wallet in OgoulTutor. To pay the charges through Wallet, follow the following steps:

1. Go to the notification panel to check whether the tutor has approved the request or not.

2. Open the notification in which the tutor has accepted the lecture booking request.

3. Click on the blue colored 'Pay Now' button.

4. Select the method of payments from the given options.

5. Click on the blue colored 'Proceed' button.

6. A roaster message will be shown on the screen.

The student can pay charges through Paypal method. To pay the charges through Paypal, follow the following steps:

1. Select the Paypal method from the screen.

2. Click on the blue colored 'Proceed' button.

3. Give the purchase details and click on blue colored 'Continue' button.

4. Give your email/number and password.

5. Click on the blue colored 'Login' button.

6. Select your card and click on the blue colored 'Pay Now' button.

7. After the payment, a roaster message will be shown on the screen.

The student can pay charges through Wallet in OgoulTutor. To pay the charges through Wallet, follow the following steps:

1. On the homepage, tap on the Wallet icon one the top-right side.

2. Click on the ‘Deposit’ option.

3. Add the amount in the given space and click on ‘Proceed to Payment’

4. You’ll be redirected to PayPal to proceed with the payment process.

5. Mention the required details and tap on ‘Continue’ to make the payment successfully.